This is a guest post written and contributed by CloudFlare. CloudFlare makes it easy for any site to be as fast and secure as the Internet giants.
CloudFlare, a web performance and security company, is excited to announce our partnership with Unshadowed! If you haven’t heard about CloudFlare before, our value proposition is simple: we’ll ...
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As you can see, Unshadowed just went through a major site design update. We also upgraded to a much more powerful client area which will allow for single sign on access to control all of your domains and hosting including cPanel access. Over the next week we also will be testing new firewall rules which hopefully will prevent some of the false ...
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We regret to inform you that on August 1st 2015, PIR (the organization in charge of all .org domains) will be raising their fees on all .org registrations, renewals, and transfers by $0.80. These costs have been transferred to us, and to avoid selling .org's at a loss on August 1 we will be increasing our charge for .org registrations, renewals, ...
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