About Unshadowed Print

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Unshadowed was started in October of 2001. Since the very beginning, our goal has been to help individuals and organizations by providing them with free or low-cost website hosting. We're passionate about musicians, artists, entrepreneurs, small businesses, and non-profit organizations and we want to support them.
Our cloud-based server is currently utilizing two 2.4 Ghz Intel cores, 15 GB of RAM, a triple-replicated SSD primary disk, triple-replicated 215 GB flexible secondary storage volume, 250 Mbps unmetered Internet connection, and extensive off-site backups. Because Unshadowed operates in the cloud we can dynamically change any of these resources according to our needs and demands without complex server migrations. We run the latest versions of cPanel, Apache, mySQL, PHP and more. Our provider, OVH, claims to have one of the largest, most secure, and highly sophisticated hosting facilities in the world. Their redundant network has more than 1,300 Gbps of transit and peering capacity.
Unshadowed Enterprises, LLC (d.b.a. Unshadowed) is owned and operated by Jorel Van Os of Grand Rapids, MI. For simplicity's sake, Unshadowed is currently structured as a Michigan for-profit company, but as you may have noticed our primary goal is not to maximize profits. 
Please contact us or see the rest of our FAQs if you would like to know more.

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